Re-entering my old (sporting) world....Maybe!
I am writing this straight after my last post. I had a lot to say and I didn't want it to get too long for anyone to read. Last night I...
Month of self discovery
Throughout the early part of November, I had major uncertainty about stability of housing, staying in Wellington, getting motivated to...
My October woes
Over the last few weeks I have had some ups and downs. It's been fantastic to be back in Wellington, and I have been a lot more social...
From bad to worse....and back again
I haven't felt like writing anything for a few weeks. Once you read the following post, you'll understand why. Since my last post, the...
No matter how much I've grown, I'm still making the same mistakes!
No matter how much I've grown, I'm still making the same mistakes. So what does that mean? Every time I enter into a difficult situation,...
I am not brave dammit!
I get told so often that I am so brave to be doing what I am doing. I don't see that. I see bravery in so many of my friends that don't...
One week on
I have now been free for over a week, happy within myself, at peace, excited and nervous for my future. I cannot ever remember another...
Free and Clear!! I am now me!
Rather unexpectedly, I am currently jobless but I do not care. I am the happiest ever. I am finally free and clear of a place that was...
One year on HRT's and NAME CHANGE!!!!
As I begin to write this blog it is exactly one year ago (June 30th) that I had my first endocrinologist appointment, and was prescribed...
The final countdown is on...
Over the last 3 months I have been studying for the first time since the early 1990's and just finished my last assignment for my first...