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Transgender woman & blogger

This is my website

These are my stories

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All through my life I have always felt I never quite fitted into the world properly. I had been doubting myself, dealing with depression and trying to work out where I fit in the world ever since puberty. My life has not always made sense to me, but now it has started to, ever since I got the help necessary to learn and accept my truth. My truth is that I was born as the wrong gender and now I know that, I accept that. I am now more at peace with that knowledge, and for the first time in my life, I have direction.

Now I have learnt my truth, my depression has lessened, my anxiety has significantly decreased. I know what I want, I finally have a plan. For years I have watched those around me know what they want, plan for it and go get it. Now I have that sense of purpose too, and that is to be the woman I was born to be. I am proud to be a transgender female, I am living my life and being as authentic as I can. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. Being transgender does not define me as a person, it is part of my story, not all of my story.

This website and blog is about my journey, my road, my wins, my loses, my joys, my disappointments. There will be hard times, and good times, and if this helps someone else going through a similar journey, then it is worth me writing this.

Please read my blog and I hope you find it useful.

Stay Beautiful and Be Amazing

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Serah Sutherland's Blog - A transgender woman and blogger, living in Wellington New Zealand

Stay Beautiful and Be Amazing

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